Synergistic Combination of Calcium and Citrate in Mesoporous Nanoparticles Targets Pleural Tumors



•Synthesis of mesoporous, amorphous calcium-phosphate citrate nanoparticles•Induction apoptosis selectively in cancer cells•Excellent growth inhibition pleural tumors with minimal adverse effects Pleural are often highly aggressive and rapidly growing. Their proximity to the lung requires selective anticancer agents avoid effects. Such a agent is an urgent, yet unmet clinical need. A promising strategy realize this selectivity may be based on material that degrades cells releases high amounts ions into these cells. Calcium generally nontoxic, but they can induce cell death when released at concentrations. However, triggering their efficient release has not been achieved yet. Here, we developed nanoparticles. These features key intracellular degradation, allowing for ion toxicity toward Successful mouse experiments show potential meet need therapeutic against tumors. Conventional chemotherapy leads severe since it involves systemic administration toxic drugs dosage. 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عنوان ژورنال: Chem

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2451-9308', '2451-9294']